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Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
The discussion of different ways to perform deadlifts would have no meaning unless we address the benefits you can leap from each deadlift.
The Romanian Deadlift exercise works your hamstrings and lower back much more than the conventional deadlift. This is because Romanian Deadlift is performed with rather straight legs compared to the traditional deadlift and relies heavily on the hamstrings and lower back as sources of strength.
On contrary, the conventional deadlift primarily uses glutes when lifting weights off the floor. Because the traditional deadlift involves the whole body and glutes, it allows lifting of heavier weights than Romanian Deadlift.
Noting these differences in muscle usage helps you choose the right deadlift for your fitness level, goal, and needs.
It's also important to note that lifting heavier weights should often mean less repetitions and lower weights should mean higher repetitions.
Exercise Sets and Reps explains the appropriate use of exercise variables, so if you are not sure how to select the right exercise variables, read the article and come back to read the rest here.
How to Do a Romanian Dealdlift
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of you.
Slightly bend your knees before starting. Bend your torso at the hips as you push back your hips as far as you can. Your dumbbells should reach your knee level, but please account your flexibility level.
Come back up to the starting position by squeezing your butt and pushing your hips forward. Repeat 10 times to complete the set.
Feel the strength in the back of your legs.
Keep your dumbbells close to your body during the entire movement.
Don’t curve your back.